"It is the activation of innate core of attachment that allows for in depth social change." R. Toro
Biodanza & Social Action
The sociological dimension of Biodanza begins in a moving and profound feeling of fraternity and not as a humanist ideology.
It is the activation of innate core of attachment that allows for in depth social change. Social Action consists in changing the structure of the current cultures and their values: the elitist attitude, the competitiveness and the false idea of success, the social discrimination and, to a large extent, the educational methodologies that tend to maintain our cultural pathology. R. Toro |
What we do:
•We bring the educational system of Biodanza to people who would otherwise not be able to experience it.
•We encourage Biodanza volunteer work among our facilitators (nonprofit) for children, the elderly, mentally ill, people with motor disorders and people without resources. •We introduce Biocentric Education in educational programs in schools in order to re-educate for emotional health and stimulate the creativity of children. |
Social Action in Action
As seen from our Spanish Biodanceros. Gracias a la vida!